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  • heavy rider riding an electric skateboard off road
    August 7, 2024 Anson Dipnarinesingh

    Electric Skateboards for Heavy Riders

    Choosing the Right Electric Skateboard for Heavy Riders: Key Factors to Consider Electric skateboards have revolutionized personal transportation, offering a fun and eco-friendly way to get around. However, for heavier riders, finding the right board can be a bit more...

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  • What are Electric Skateboards?
    March 29, 2023 Tom Blomley

    What are Electric Skateboards?

    An electric skateboard is a skateboard with electric motors inside the wheels. The skateboard will have a battery under the board or deck that powers the electric motor. This makes the electric board capable of accelerating, or decelerating on its own. Unlike a traditional skateboard, the rider doesn’t have to push the board. The motorized skateboard also comes with a remote control for easy control of its movements
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